Friday, 7 September 2012

Favourite Quotes

Float like a butterfly
Sting like bee
- Mohammed Ali

There is a time
when panic
is the appropriate response
- Eugene Kleiner

What we essentially want
is to draw something unknown to us
in all its shadowiness,
not something we know
in all its illumination
- Orhan Pamuk 'My Name is Red'

If you want to know something, then go elsewhere.
If you to un know everything, then sit and listen.
- Adyashanti

If I worry too much about my have nots,
I might not realise just what I've got
- Jungle Brothers

My world is my country
And my religion is to do good
- Thomas Paine, 'Rights of Man', 1792

- Confucious:
Back up words with weapons

A pure heart makes a pure shot

Military strategy hinges on innovation and surprise

Obstacles will be many so maintains your strength of spirit

Worldly people could probably come to understand the masters sufferings, but few would truly grasp the depth and breadth of those sufferings.

As a child learns good manners
As a young man learns to control passions
In middle age be just
In old age give good advice
Then die, without regret.
- Clearchos, disciple of Aristotle

All that matters is the people you love. Everything else is just stuff. And none of that stuff really matters.
- Richard Branson

Just as the silk worm weaves its web and is caught in it
So too do humans weave the web of their own concepts and are caught in them
- Deepak Chopra

Like the light refracting from glass
'It' is nameless and formless
But has names associated with it
To capture its reflection
- Eckhart Tolle

The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry
- tbc

Its the resistance to new ideas that leads to confusion, not the inherent difficulty of the ideas
- Brian Cox

"There is an almost sensual longing for communion with others who have a larger vision. The immense fulfillment of the friendships between those engaged in furthering the evolution of consciousness has a quality almost impossible to describe ..."
 - Teilhard de Chardin

One of its charming miracles is that through its form,
Poetry can resist the content of authoritarian discourse.
By resorting to understatement, concrete and physical language,
A poet contends against abstraction, generalisation, hyperbole and
The heroic language of hot-headed generals and bogus lovers alike...
Poetry remains one of the astonishing forms in our hands to resist obscurantism and silence.
And since we cannot wash the polluted words of hatred the same way we wash greasy dishes
We, the poets of the world, continue to write our poems to restore the respect of meaning
And to give meaning to our existence.
- Mourid Barghouti

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